Omega-3 fatty acid.
Vitamin B12.
Find out how you can incorporate these 4 nutrients into your diet HERE. As a vegan it's hard to get all the proper nutrients especially when relaying on pre-made and packaged foods. I have found over the years that eating whole, raw foods like fruits and veggies has given me great blood work results. As an example my husband and I went to get our blood work done, the hubby is that he is an Italian meat eater and I have been a vegetarian for over 13 years. Results came in doctor went over them and I had a perfect as he stated "A perfect protein level of a meat eater". I also had great B12 levels, iron, iodine and omega 3 were on point, hubby was lower in his protein levels and had very low iodine levels too. So just because you are a meat eater or a vegan it means nothing unless your eating the right foods with the right nutrients.
Read the full article HERE